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November 06, 2005


I fully agree with your comments on Permethrin. I don't leave home without it. When we take the troop to summer camp, we take the Ortho version that you can buy in quarts at Home Depot or Lowes, and a hand sprayer to broadcast the dilute solution.

What are your thoughts on picaridin vs. DEET? I know DEET works, but I really hate its tendency to eat gear. On paper, and in the back yard, picaridin (Cutter Advanced) seems to be a good choice, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried it in really tough bug conditions?

Here is an excellent review of DEET vs Picaridin.

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RYAN JORDAN is the Founder and CEO of Backpacking Light, and a wilderness adventurer, speaker, writer, photographer, instructor, and guide. Learn more about Ryan and his services.
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Ryan also serves on the Board of Directors for the Continental Divide Trail Alliance and the Winter Wildlands Alliance, is an Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 676 of Bozeman, Mont., and the High Adventure Committee Chair for Montana BSA.

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